Visit of Professor Jean-Luc Guermond

March – May 2013 : Professor Jean-Luc Guermond (Texas A&M University) was supported for a two-month visit jointly by University Paris-Est and Labex Bézout. The visit took place from 24 March, 2013 to 24 May, 2013. Pr.Guermond offered a graduate course (15 hours, within ED MSTIC) on advanced finite element methods for diffusive, saddle-point, transport and flow problems. He also delivered an introductory conference attended by researchers and PhD students from CERMICS and LAMA on New trends and challenges in Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD). Concerning research activities, the main goal was to start the revision of the textbook Theory and Practice of Finite Elements with A. Ern (CERMICS) published by Springer in 2004 in the collection Applied Mathematical Sciences (vol. 159). Citing Math. Reviews on the First Edition, “This book represents an excellent compendium of information about the mathematics and numerical analysis of the finite element method … it will be an excellent text for the mathematics graduate.” The two main changes in the Second Edition are to integrate state of the art ideas emerged over the last decade, and to re-organize the material into smaller chapters, each one corresponding to a lecture. The completion of the new book is expected for 2016.